Spell for Welcoming
(New Baby Room)
On a Monday night during a waxing moon and in the first hour after
sunset, light a pink candle.
Place a small houseplant and a glass of water next to the candle.
Have ready four objects, one representing each element: Fire, Earth,
Air and Water.
Say aloud:
Venus, bless this precious site and let the power of the night conjure
comfort, health, love and healing light from the universe.
Make this world a happy place and keep this room a sacred space to help
this baby sleep with ease and wake and grow and play in peace.
Fire I call upon you to fuel this life.
Place fire object in one corner of room.
Earth I call upon you for health and stability.
Place the earth object in the next corner.
Air I call upon you to bring spaciousness and clarity.
Place air object in third corner.
Water I call upon you to nurture and love.
Place water object in last corner.
I water this plant as a symbol of my power to care for life. (water
I ask this be done for the greater good.
So be it.
And so it is.
Blow out the candle.
The plant can be kept in any room of your home.
~source unknown