Wand Blessing

Wand Consecration
(Written by Shining Raven-wing)
I consecrate this wand as a magickal tool
As an object of power, an energy pool.
I call on the element of Fire, 
This wand's heavenly sire,
On the God and Goddess 
That it they may bless,
And on the sun and the moon
that they may attune 
This small rod's force and will:
That it be as strong as it is still.
This wand made of wood and stones, 
will burn as a fire or chill with my moans,
Facilitating clairvoyance and persuasion,
Aiding divination and communication,
Fostering wisdom and learning,
Ensuring protection and healing
Through my courage and my faith
To transform and create,
Comfort and mate.
By the power of wind, rain and heat
Let this wand in my hand allow any feat
That is noble, good and right,
But let it sleep in another's might.
And with every season, let its power grow,
With every moonrise, and every snow
With every rite and every decree.
By the Power of 3 times 3 times 3,
This is my Will, So mote it be!
Blessed be.