(pt. 4)
Sleep Pillow Recipes
For each of the following recipes, mix together herbs, essential oils,
fixatives, spices, and filler seeds (flax, rice, etc.) in a glass
bowl. Stir with a wooden spoon. Cover and set aside for four or
more hours, or place in a plastic bag and seal it overnight. Using
a large spoon or a funnel, pour the mixture into the open end of
each pillow to loosely fill, and stitch closed. Shake gently to
release the herbal scents.
Rosy Remembrance Dreams
This is a good, all-purpose blend for all ages.
1-2 Tbsp. Dried mint
1-2 Tbsp. Dried rosemary
1-2 Tbsp. Dried rose petals
1-2 Tbsp. Rice or flaxseeds.
Hoppy Dreams
Hops help induce sleep.
½ cup dried hops
½ cup dried lemon verbena leaves
½ cup dried lavender buds
2 Tbsp. Cellulose chips
4 drops lemon essential oil
4 drops lavender essential oil
Lavender Sleep Pillow
A simple blend with spicy, herbal overtones.
1 cup dried hops
1 cup dried lavender
½ cup dried thyme
3 Tbsp. Cellulose chips
10 drops lavender oil
10 drops bergamot oil
Aromatic Sleep Pillow
½ cup dried hops
½ cup dried catnip leaves
½ cup dried lemon balm or rosemary leaves
½ cup cellulose chips
2 Tbsp. Dried lavender
6 drops rosemary oil
3 drops lavender oil
Stress Reducing Rest
½ cup of hops
½ cup of mugwort
1/8 cup of sweet marjoram
Rest and Relaxation Pillow
1 cup dried lemon balm leaves
½ cup dried lavender
3 Tbsp. Cellulose chips
6 drops lemon essential oil
2 drops lavender oil
Pleasant Dreams Blend
1 cup lavender flowers
1 cup white rose petals
1 cup hops
1 cup lemon balm
2 tsp. Orris root powder
2 drops lavender oil
Sweet Dreams
1 cup dried hops
½ cup German chamomile blossoms
2 Tbsp. Cellulose chips
2 drops geranium oil
2 drops ylang ylang oil
Peaceful Sleep Blend
½ cup roses or rose petals
½ cup rosemary
½ cup lavender flowers
½ cup hops
Relaxing Dreams
½ cup of mugwort
½ cup of lavender flowers
Lover's Dream
½ cup of rose petals
½ cup rosemary
½ cup lavender flowers
2 lemon verbena leaves, crushed
1 tsp. Mint
4 whole cloves
1 small piece of cinnamon stick, broken up
3 mimosa flowers
Creative Inspiration Blend
½ cup rose petals
½ cup mugwort
½ cup lavender flower
1/6 cup chopped pine needles, cut ½ inch or shorter
3 dried marigold blossoms
1 ½-inch piece of cinnamon stick, broken up
3 whole cloves
2 tsp. Mint
Travel Pillow
½ cup mugwort
½ cup rose petals
½ cup lavender flowers
½ cup marjoram
1 Tbsp. Passion flower, leaves or petals
by Chandra Moira Beal