(pt 1)
For centuries, the fragrance of herbs have been captured in pillows
and sweet bags to purify and scent the home. These aromatic pillows
were used by Old World mothers to lull their babes into tranquil sleep,
by those seeking relief from headache or depression, and by the lonely-
hearted who yearned to find true love.
Mothers frequently fashioned small pillows of dill to encourage their
children to enter sleep. The word dilla, from which the herb eventually
took its name, is from a Norse word meaning "to lull." Agrimony was
also a popular herb to use in pillows since it was believed to be
soporific, or sleep inducing. An old English writing tells us that,
"If it is leyed under a manns head, he shal sleepyn as he were dead;
He shal never drede me wakyn till fro under his head it be taken."
Making Herbal Pillows
Fragrant herbs were sewn into pillows and placed at the head of the bed or
between the linens. During medieval times, herbal pillows and sachets were
more of a necessity than decoration, designed to mask the poor sanitary
conditons of the time when fresh air was considered potentially dangerous.
Sometimes entire matresses were stuffed with aromatic herbs both to induce
a restful sleep and to repel pests that would otherwise feed on mattress
Good sleep is essential to our health and well-being. The aromas in
these little pillows can lull you to sleep on those nights when you
are tossing and turning, when you want to promote dreams. They can
help you wake up rested and refreshed. The small, cloth-covered
packages containing dried herbs and other ingredients are meant to be
tucked between your bed pillow and the pillowcase or between your sheets.
Remember that sleep blends are very different from potpourri. Do not
expect a sleep blend to have the noticeably strong scents of a potpourri blend. Sleep blends are subtle. Their fragrances are released as you
move about on the pillow during the night.
Before creating the sleep pillow, decide what you will be using it
for: to repel bad dreams, strengthen your prophetic abilities, rest,
healing, etc. Choose your herbs and oils according to the pillow's
use. They are very easy to make, even if you have few sewing skills.
by Chandra Moira Beal
from Llewellyn's 2006 Herbal Almanac
to be continued........