Self-Cleansing Ritual
Adapted by Samminka
Censer, God and Goddess candles, Element candles, juice or wine,
bread, salt water, a wand for casting/closing the circle, any other
items you want/need there.
*Cast the circle
*Invocation of the Goddess:
I greet the Lady and call upon thee Mighty Mother of us all, bringer
of all fruitfulness. I ask you, Mother, to descend upon my circle and
reside within me, thy priest/ess.
*Invocation of the God:
I call upon thee O Great Father, Sun and Consort of the Mother, who
brings her light and warmth. Come forth Mighty Horned One. Live now
within the body of this thy priest/ess.
Anoint forehead with salt water:
I cleanse my thoughts that they might be pure and honest - grant that
they always be pleasing to the God and Goddess.
Anoint throat:
I cleanse my voice that all I say might be for good and naught for ill
or harm
Anoint heart:
I cleanse my heart that it might be open, giving, and full of light.
Grant that I might give freely of my love and care to others.
Anoint hands:
I cleanse my hands that I might use them for workings of good, to help
and never to harm.
Anoint feet:
I cleanse my feet that they might take me far in life, that my
journeys may be filled with love, light, peace, and joy of the Goddess
and God.
*Meditate for a bit, focusing on your breathing, maybe listening to
some soothing nature sounds like rain, or ocean waves.
*Eat the bread and drink the wine or juice to restore the energies
spent during the ritual
*Release the circle, and thank the God, Goddess, and Elements for
attending your ritual.