Chakra Healing
Chakra Healing
Chakras are little wheels of light/energy placed strategically along our
central nervous systems, which draw and use energy constantly. Although they
can not be seen with the naked eye or by modern technological means, they
are there, and are quite effectively utilized in healing processes. Working
with chakral energy is as simple as the Color Breathing technique outlined
in my previous article. Instead of drawing the energy into your lungs etc.,
the energy is drawn into the chakra. The energy pooled in each chakra is
vital to our physical and psychological well being. If the energy is
manifesting itself in a negative form, the result is often a physical one
(illness). If the energy is drawn but blocked from transmitting itself to
the body, it manifests itself psychologically, such as dissociation. There
are general cleansing exercises for chakras, to open the flow and clear any
blockages. If the need is greater in a specific area, and the chakra(s)
requires a great deal of work, then target that area and cleanse it
I have been asked how you feel a blockage. For myself, when working with a
client, I feel it as an uncomfortable mass of energy, and I have difficulty
moving off the area to check the others. This may be different for each
healer; you will learn to "know" when there is a blockage. When working on
my own chakras, I feel blockages as a physical ache, almost painfully so.
These feelings are un-noticeable however, unless I am thinking of that
particular chakra. Once again, it is different for everyone, and will be
I personally envison chakras as solid wheels of colored light. Others
visualize them as flowers, with a certain number of petals each. However you
visualize them is up to you, although working with the appropriate color for
each chakra is HIGHLY recommended. Below is a list of each chakra, it's
location, color and number of petals. I have also listed possible
manifestations, both positive and negative.
For now, I will get straight into the exercises/treatments. General
cleansing and specific applications are basically the same, but specific has
some changes during the final parts of the exercise.
General Cleansing - Sit or recline comfortably. Imagine a cord stretching
from you tail bone to the Earth. This is called grounding, and it helps
regulate energy flow. Now, starting with the base or root chakra (see
below), imagine the wheel/flower spinning clockwise and filling with light.
See it spin faster as it fills. Once you think it has reached maximum speed,
leave it spinning and move on to the sacral chakra. Repeat the process here,
and on the rest, all the way up to the crown chakra. Hold the spinning
visualization for a few moments, then begin to envision a pillar of light
flowing up the cord into your body, straight up your spine, and out through
the top of your head. Hold this as long as possible, and then release each
vision in turn, beginning with the pillar. See them all fade and slow. Take
a deep breath, and relax. You are done.
Specific Chakra Work - Use the general method, however, after completing the
chakras, move to the specific chakra(s), and concentrate on it, adding more
color specific light this time. After a moment of intense work, you should
feel the blockage shift and move on down through the cord into the Earth.
Retain your clear visualization as long as possible, then release in the
same manner as above.
When one is at peace in spirit and mind, the body tends to follow. The
chakras will work together, aligned and glowing brightly. The result is good
health (physical and mental), success and a full life.
* * * * * * *
Base or Root Chakra (Red, 4 petals) Located above the genitals. Positive
Manifestations - General happiness, strengthened immune system, physical
strength. Negative Manifestations - Gastro-Intestinal troubles, a feeling of
dissociation, deteriorated physique and health.
Sacral Chakra (Orange, 6 petals) Some say located just above the navel,
others say just below. I usually feel it directly at the navel area.
Positive Manifestations - Harmonized emotion, healthy nervous system.
Negative Manifestations - Personality disorders, lack of sex drive, constant
drive for immediate pleasures, hysterical outbursts.
Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow,10 petals) Located at the mouth of the stomach.
Positive Manifestations - Healthy digestive tract, inspires imagination and
the yearn for knowledge. Gentler emotions, feelings of completeness in life.
Negative Manifestations - Stomach disorders, feelings of loss, cravings for
sweets, over all tiredness, weakness in muscles and joints. Balance may be
Heart Chakra (Green, 12 petals) Located directly above the heart. Positive
Manifestations - Healthy respiratory and circulatory systems, strengthened
glandular system, great mental stability emotionally, unconditional love and
compassion are regularly felt. Negative Manifestations - Mood swings,
temper, general malaise and anxiety, loss of equilibrium, illnesses
affecting the heart and lungs.
Throat Chakra (Blue, 16 petals) Located at the base of the throat. Positive
Manifestations - Creativity, vocal expression, healthy vocal and bronchial
systems, clairvoyance, clairaudience. Negative Manifestations -
Uncommunicative, trouble speaking or writing thoughts, sleep disorders,
illness in lymphatic system, fatigue, allergies and asthma.
Third Eye Chakra (Indigo, two layers, each with 48 petals) Located between
the eyebrows. Positive Manifestations - Healthy nervous system, pituitary
gland, eyes, nasal and aural passages. Can cause clairvoyant/clairaudient
episodes, feelings of higher self. Generally, of both halves are fully
activated, a wondrous spiritual awakening occurs. Negative Manifestations -
Headaches, eyesight deterioration, severe emotional instability, irrational
fears and illogical thought.
Crown Chakra (Violet, infinite number of petals) Located at the very top of
your head. Positive Manifestations - In touch with Divinty and Divine Self.
Allows for full understanding of life and the world around us. Negative
Manifestations - Severe mental disorder, psychic/spiritual detachment,
headaches, eye problems, and hallucinations. Always work in co-operation
with a medical professional when these symptoms appear.
Jodi Wetherup
(submitted by Kehlia TalonShard)