Amulet To Warn Against Negativity

You need a stone, pendant, ring, or something you can keep on you 
through the day. This spell won't keep negativity from you, but it 
will let you know its coming or that its there.
Hold the item in you hands very tightly, and charge it with your 
power and with the power of white, while chanting:
Depressed souls, 
Evil beings, 
Who live to grieve, 
Who take all bad,
Who rids the good, 
Who tastes wrong, 
Let it be known!
In heart of matter, 
Fill your holder,
With warmest touch,
To know the negative,
When around you heat,
Heat but not burn,
So the holder will be warned!
Chant this as many times as is needed. 
(This works fabulously!)